• Sarah Packington

    Handmade acrylic contemporary jewellery in simple graphic patterns & shapes in bold stunning colours click for more

  • Naomi James

    A beautiful range of handmade jewellery in precious metals, embossed using leaves & plants click for more

  • Sophie Harley

    Designer of the original Algerian Loveknot necklace & a range of beautiful, timeless jewellery click for more

  • Kate Wood

    Feminine, ethereal jewellery using fine beading & chain work techniques click for more

  • Nicola Becci

    Decorative jewellery using silver, gold & brass click for more

  • Sarah Packington

    Handmade acrylic contemporary jewellery in simple graphic patterns and shapes in bold stunning colours click for more

  • Diana Greenwood

    Graphic flowers translated into silver & gold click for more

  • Gerlinde Huth

    A striking range of silver jewellery with a variety of textures & finishes click for more

  • Suzanne Claire

    Contemporary jewellery inspired by the textures & patterns of French knitting click for more

Valentine's Day

Romantic gifts

Looking for romantic gift ideas? Whether you are searching for  Valentine's day gifts, or celebrating a special anniversary, Lovedazzle has a great selection of unique, handcrafted jewellery pieces that will sweep your loved ones of their feet.


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