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Dazzle 40 | Valerie Mead

Valerie aims to design and make jewellery with simple, clean-cut elegant lines which are easy to wear over many years. Most of her work is made with lightly textured silver to which she adds tiny rose gold rivet details and incised gilded lines. The contrast of the warmth of the rose gold against the cool silver is something she enjoys exploring. Trained at Sheffield, she now works in a former punt-builders workshop in Oxford. She also makes pieces in gold to commission.

Valerie’s inspiration is gleaned from a variety of sources but observations of details on man-made items or architecture are favourite as well as of wide open sea and land scapes.

Valerie Mead first showed with Dazzle in 1981.

View all the 40 brooches for 40 years exhibition.

Jewellery designer Dazzle 40 | Valerie Mead

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